Friday, March 17, 2006

Personal Space

Have I said this already? People are weird. I mean I wouldn't go touching your belly in the middle of Tim Horton's, so why is it OK to touch mine?

Family and close friends - OK, you can touch if you want (although some warning might be appreciated). But co-workers? It's just a bit personal for me. Maybe I'll get used to it.

I also have to include some of Ed's grandfather's comments for all to enjoy (he has a rather interesting sense of humor :-). He didn't log in and comment, but sent me an email responding to the blog. Some of my favourite comments include:

"Re sleeping on back. You apparently did it too often."


"Digital Pictures. You will only need it until 12 years for a girl. After that no one can approach near enough. For a Boy its 10,at that time they make faces and it is not worth the effort."

and my personal favourite:

"Speaking of Blogs, how is Ed taking it? "


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