Monday, June 12, 2006

Baby Sitting

Perhaps not the best idea I've ever had but let me say that in the end it worked out fine. No one was hurt and I think I fared pretty well. However, looking back, had it not gone well, this could have been a disaster for my confidence. Ed of course was at a dinner meeting all night, so it was just me, my 31/2 year old niece Amelia and 14 month old nephew Tommy.

I managed to change 1 diaper of a VERY squirmy little guy so I figure on a brand new baby that can't move I've got it made! Got him fed and asleep and managed to get his sister asleep in bed only 1 hour after of her actual bed time (although she insisted her bed time was 10:30.... I wasn't falling for it!)

The good part about being the 'fun aunt' is that if they eat too much crap or don't go to bed on time its not that big a deal. Mom can deal with it tomorrow! :-)

This experience also helped fortify my 'perhaps we should only have one' theory. Two kids is HARD! At one point in the evening I had Tom in one arm going down stairs and Amelia wiped out while 'racing' down the stairs. (I TOLD her it was a bad idea...) Dropped her apple, which the dog quickly scooped up, and started to cry that she scraped her elbow.

What to do first?
Put down baby? - no can't do that on stairs... bad idea
Chase dog to get apple? - why bother, can't eat it now
I figured the safest bet was to get everyone off the stairs and THEN try and make Amelia feel better.

No harm done. Teeny bit of carpet burn on the elbow. Nothing a bit of cartoon watching and a kiss on the elbow couldn't fix.

They are actually both really good kids, but that was TIRING!!!


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