Sunday, August 27, 2006

Family trip Point Pleasant Park

Even Zoe is starting to enjoy her little sister! Such a happy family.

First week on our own

I've survived. I was a bit nervous, but have done just fine on our first week home alone. Mom has gone back to Shediac and Ed is back to work. It was a beautiful week so we got out for a walk every day.

Kennedy is sleeping and eating very well. Ed gives her a bottle at about 11pm every night and she'll sleep until about 3:00ish. We're up for about a 1/2 hour - 1 hour to eat and then back to sleep until about 7am. So generally I sleep from 10 - 3 and then 4-7. That's a solid 8 hours with only one interruption. Not too shabby.

Days are good too. She stays awake for about 2 hours at a time and then naps for 1-2 hours. She's very agreeable and I can cart her around anywhere. Overall am definitely enjoying being a mom.

pictures - finally

Well I think she's adorable but I'm a bit biased...

First two pictures are from the hospital. First few days of life.
Second two pictures are week 3 of life. First family trip to the beach and first visit to the Lower Deck... starting her out early! :-)

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Kennedy has arrived!

Wanted to post a very late update. Hopefully everyone already received an email from Ed, but just in case, "Kennedy Frances Steeves" joined the world on August 4th (only 12 days late!) at 2:11am weighing in at 8lbs. 11oz. She's a big healthy girl and I am totally in love.

Definitely busy and tired, but she is a great eater and sleeper, so I really have no complaints. Will post pictures soon.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


I'd like to compare how I am currently feeling, to what I imagine a small boy whould feel like who was just told by the school bully to meet him by the flagpole after class for a beating.

Waiting is almost worse that the actual butt-kicking you are about to receive.

Will keep you posted. Expect to have news by Wed or Thurs of this week.