Monday, July 31, 2006


Only 9 days late at this point... but feels like months! I'm still feeling fine, just very impatient.

Had a Dr appointment today and all is well. We're going to start the 'induction process' tomorrow. Apparently it can take a few DAYS (or it may happen right away). I'm not holding high hopes based on her stubbornness so far, therefore I predict baby by Wed or Thurs of this week. Will update site with pics as soon as possible.

Hope to have great news soon.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Big News - Stones in Halifax - but still no baby

Starting to get a bit stir crazy. Although making great use of my time off. Yesterday was one of those beautiful maritime days... 25 degrees, light winds, no humidity. Ed decided to take the day off and we went to Mahone Bay for lunch and strolling/shopping. Very relaxing!

Also excited about the Rolling Stones coming to Halifax (sep 23). Just announced yesterday, although I have no idea how I'll manage with a 2 month old. No, I have no intention of bringing her to the show, just thinking about logistics. Since we saw them in Moncton last year, Ed and I may have to flip for it. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

No new baby news - she's officially 4 days over due. I know its not that late, but its feeling like forever! Keep you posted!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Maternity Leave - day 8 - still nada

Went for my Dr. appointment today. Have an ultrasound booked for Friday. If I don't go by then...

If the ultrasound is fine then he will wait another few days before inducing.

Interesting stat he gave me this morning, approx 50% of women have their babies by their due date. 70% of women within 1 week of their due date. I wonder if they do any stats on how accurate the due date was in the first place? I'm sure mine is only approx - give or take a week.

Nothing else new to report. Just waiting!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Maternity Leave - day 4

Nothing to report. This week has been beautiful, although a bit hot. Get up every morning and take the dog for a long walk before it gets too hot. Have been spending a lot of time in my hammock chair in the shade. Feel free to enjoy the mental image of me trying to get OUT of the chair... it is very entertaining.

Will update as soon as there is any news.... Due date is Saturday so it could be another 10 days AFTER that. Think I will be insane by then. Hoping for sooner rather than later. I'm as ready as I'm going to get.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Maternity Leave - before the baby

Today is my first day of maternity leave... but no baby. Kind of nice actually. Feel like I'm playing hooky.

Dropped Ed off this morning at work and had my weekly Dr. appt. I asked if he had any estimates or advice for when I'd have the baby. He guaranteed in the next 2.5 weeks, one way or another. Very helpful. Due date is officially next Saturday, but I keep thinking I'll go early. No idea why, just wishful thinking. Still feeling really good, just hot and puffy.

Have the bag packed for the hospital. Will be sure to update everyone as soon as anything changes!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Last but not leashed

Scott Adams (Dilbert Author) is hilarious.... Read this today and wanted to share:

"Yesterday I was trudging the 47-second commute from my office to my home and passed a father taking his two-year old son for a walk. On a leash.

Yes, the man was walking his child like a dog. The leash design was ingenious. It was actually a backpack/harness arrangement featuring a puppy as the backpack, with the leash coming from the puppy’s tail area. The kid seemed delighted with the arrangement as he strained against the leash. And the father had no worries about the kid darting into traffic for at least two good reasons:

1. The kid was on a leash.
2. There was no traffic.

My first reaction to the kid on the leash is that it was humiliating and wrong. But the kid seemed happy enough. And so it made me wonder if the father is ever tempted to take it to the next level, i.e. walking the kid naked and picking up the turds with a plastic bag. That has got to be easier than changing a diaper. If it weren’t, dogs would wear diapers. I think that’s obvious. And once you’ve decided that humiliation isn’t an issue, all bets are off. "

Hmmm... he might be on to something here. Of special note is that mom has a picture of me wearing some sort of harness, tied to a post. I don't know where or when the picture was taken, and I'm not saying it was a leash, but it still seems a bit sketchy.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

So Pretty

Here's a couple pictures of the baby room. All ready for the new addition!!

Friday, July 07, 2006

It's the Final Countdown... da de da-da...

da de da-da-daa... (you know the song! :-)

Only 5 days of work left. I can't believe it. Although there is a full moon on Tuesday the 11th, so that's what I'm aiming for. I've got the room all set up, have washed everything and am ready to go. Really hoping I don't go late since I'm afraid the weeks will Draaaaaag on.

I have had 3 lovely baby showers in the last few weeks. One in Moncton (thanks Andrea), one in Halifax (thanks Suzanne) and one at work. Apparently I was VERY clear and all my friends were accommodating... NO embarrassing baby games. Yeah! The only game we played was to match the crazy baby name to the celebrity (ie. Apple = Gwenyth Paltrow). No problems with that at all. I was never forced to eat baby food or measure the size of my belly or wear a bow hat. Rock on! These showers all involved, good friends, good food, and some lovely gifts. That's my idea of a nice way to spend time. So thanks to all for organizing or attending.

I've taken some pictures of the nursery and will post shortly. Just need to download from the camera.

I'll keep you posted if anything changes. (fingers crossed)