Friday, March 31, 2006

Think Pink!

Well here she is. Yes SHE. Got these taken yesterday. 1st picture is the typcial 2-D profile. If you stare long enough you can see the face and chest profile (white stuff over face is her hand - picture movie fainting pose). 2nd picture is the amazing 3-D shot. That is one cute face if I do say so myself!

So, now that we can focus on girl names... keep 'em coming.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

3D rocks!

Went for my 2nd ultrasound today. Just to eliminate a couple of things they were concerned about on my 1st ultrasound. All is well and baby is healthy. Everything has moved to its proper place. Yipee!

I even got a very cool picture. Since I had to go to the 'high risk' area they have a super-duper special machine that takes 3D pictures. You can see the face perfectly. Not like the little alien faces you normally see in a 2D picture. I promise to do my best to scan and post the picture... soon... along with my belly pic. Honest.

Please note, I have now officially gained 20lbs and any comments on the 'round face' in the picture will not be taken lightly... Dan I'm talking to you.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Oh yeah...Lump sum this.

I just met with HR today on my maternity leave.

My company tops up to 95% of your salary over unemployment for the first 6 weeks you're off. They write a lump sum payment for those 6 weeks and then deduct any of your benefits you want to keep (pension, life insurance, etc..).

Turns out to keep my benefits I will end up OWING them about $1000.

I am officially depressed.

With friends like you guys....

David Berkowitz Steeves;
Apple, Coco, or Peas Steeves;
Charles Manson Steeves or Manson Charles Steeves;

All officially not on the list.
Thanks for your input.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Steve Steeves. I don't think so.

Looking for Name suggestions.

People keep asking me if I have any favorites and for the record, I'm not telling. I really don't want to have a great name all picked out and then have someone tell me that is the name of some serial killer or something and ruin it for me. I mean you just never know. I'm sure all the mothers who named their kids Monica Lewinsky thought that was a good name at the time.

Any thoughts?

Ummm... sure... whatever you say crazy lady

Had an interesting Yoga class this week. Quite honestly I really like the fitness aspect of yoga, what with all the stretching, balance, and toning, etc.. but the whole spiritual/meditative side? It has its challenges. I am, however, trying to be open.

What I learned this week:

- though guided meditation (Ok even that word makes me smirk) I was able to find my 'wisdom'. No more worries. I don't know anymore right NOW, but when I need it, the 'wisdom' will kick in - Sure it will.

- Kids aren't bad or have colic... they're just busy. Sure they are.

- There is no 'pain' in child birth. That word is very negative... it is really just intense sensations. Riiiiiiight.

I think the last one put me over the edge. Seriously, who is she trying to kid? Oh well, I can now touch my hands flat on the ground without bending my knees. :-)

Monday, March 20, 2006

Happy St. Paddy's Day

I have now experienced my first St. Paddy's day as a non-drinker. Green club soda is just not the same. Oh well, I've also just experienced my first March 18th without a hangover which is actually pretty cool.

Ed has now started to blame me for his laziness. Yesterday we took the elevator up 1 floor at the Art Gallery because Ed didn't want to 'wear out the prego'. Glad I'm good for something.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Personal Space

Have I said this already? People are weird. I mean I wouldn't go touching your belly in the middle of Tim Horton's, so why is it OK to touch mine?

Family and close friends - OK, you can touch if you want (although some warning might be appreciated). But co-workers? It's just a bit personal for me. Maybe I'll get used to it.

I also have to include some of Ed's grandfather's comments for all to enjoy (he has a rather interesting sense of humor :-). He didn't log in and comment, but sent me an email responding to the blog. Some of my favourite comments include:

"Re sleeping on back. You apparently did it too often."


"Digital Pictures. You will only need it until 12 years for a girl. After that no one can approach near enough. For a Boy its 10,at that time they make faces and it is not worth the effort."

and my personal favourite:

"Speaking of Blogs, how is Ed taking it? "

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Tip for the next time you see me

People are weird. What is with this complement?!? "You look great! You can hardly even tell your pregnant - just a nice little round belly, and a bit rounder in the face". It's like one of those complements like "you look great for your age...". Could you just leave it at the first part and stop? Shouldn't it be obvious that I don't want to look "rounder in my FACE".

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Went for our lesson last night with our new digital camera. It's actually not that complicated, but I figured it was free, what the heck. Free - $100 later - with a new memory card and a cool new case, I think I know what I'm doing.

Should be able to send some fun 'baby bump' pictures out soon.

Let the 'nesting' begin

Mom came up for 3 days to paint the baby room. It is now 'buttermilk' yellow. Very pretty. Check it out at Benjamin Moore: (CC-216)

Now the gathering begins. Mike and Suzanne gave us heaps of their old stuff (carrier, high chair, etc..) and a couple of contraptions that have started to give me nightmares. They look like they belong in a Frankenstien movie! Oh well, I'll worry about them when the time comes.


I miss sleeping on my back.

Scene from alien

Well we've had our first ultrasound. Other than the excruciating pain of not being able to pee for about 2 hours it was pretty cool. Very exciting but a bit unnerving.

Baby is healthy, all is well. They are having me in for an additional ultrasound to 'monitor' a couple of minor things which they've said not to worry about. I will not go into details due to the excessive use of disgusting words like 'placenta'. >:-P

The one good thing is that they may tell me if it is a boy or a girl at the next ultrasound. I know people say you should save the surprise, but to be honest, I think there's going to be more than enough excitement that day that I can live without that one. I'd much rather be organized and have the right clothing and decorations and stuff. Call me anal.

They don't even give you a picture of the ultrasound anymore. Said it takes too much time. Oh well, they said they may try at our next ultrasound so I'll send along to folks if I get one.


So I've been doing Yoga for the last year or so. Starting to get a bit more challenging now that the belly is getting a bit bigger. However still keeping up OK on the Saturday morning Hatha class. I'm also going to a Wed night pre-natal class. Much easier (same stuff, just slower). Spouses were invited to join last week. Needless to say Ed was a bit skeptical. But he was a good sport.

We did a lot of assisted stretching but not much 'real' yoga. Then a bit of meditating which I don't normally do... don't think Ed was overly enthused about that one. Said it was kind of like a group nap. Not far off really. :-)

Words of wisdom

As people provide me with wonderful tidbits, I will add... so I can look back and remember. My 2 favourite so far are:

Just like you did not know what an orgasm was before you had one, nature does not let you know how great children are until you have them. Children are the orgasm of life. - here's hoping!


Don't worry, baby's are really hard to kill! You'll do fine.